About Her.

I made this website to showcase some of the amazing qualities of my beautiful girlfriend Akiya Marie Mumford.

Take some time to navigate through my site so you can get to know Akiya!

Exhibit 'A'.

What you see above are two of Akiya's favorite things. Food and Friends! Her usual tools of the trade are her handy dandy iPhone and a nice seafood spread.


"Say Cheese!!"

To truly know is to experience. That being said, check out these pics below so you can experience the insatiable lore of Ms. Akiya Marie

Photos of Us.

By now your getting an idea of why Akiya is so special to me. But I'd be remiss not to show you how great we are together!

Wow! Now that's a nice looking couple! But let me remove myself for a bit so that I can share with you some of Akiya's accomplishments....What are you waiting for? Just scroll down!

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